Seed Coating

Seed coating is the process by which a seed is coated with a layer of material that generally contains micronutrients, fungicides, and insecticides. In this process, the weight of the seed increases 1-5 times.
Advantages of seed coating:
1. Optimal planting ability
2. Increasing germination ability
3. Preserving nutrients around the seeds
4. Stimulating optimal plant growth
5. Reducing the cost of spreading chemicals and insecticides
6. Reducing the risks and environmental damage caused by materials
7. Reducing growth costs
8. Marking
9. Increasing marketability



To improve germination characteristics, seed coating is one of the most important economic methods. The purpose of seed coatings is often to use substances such as fungicides, insecticides, immunizers, growth hormones, trace elements, and other compounds directly related to seeds. Disinfection is one of the most important steps in seed processing. In seed disinfection, with low consumption of chemicals, the seeds and finally the crop can be protected against pests and diseases of the early stages of growth, and hence use of extra chemicals in the field can be avoided. Three methods of seed coating are used in commercial applications, which include pelleting, coating and thin coating of seeds. Mostly, the purpose of covering a seed is to use materials such as fungicides, insecticides, immunizers, and trace elements and other compounds directly related to seed.